
Jeongwoo Lee

이정우 교수는 미국 University of Southern California에서 도시계획학 박사학위를 받았으며,

스마트도시설계, 건강도시, 그린인프라, 보행환경이 주 연구분야입니다.

학부수업은 <단지계획>, <도시설계>, <단지계획실습>, <도시설계실습>, <도시진로탐색> 등

대학원수업은 <공간계량분석론>,<건강안전도시론>, <스마트도시재생론>, <도시정보시스템(GIS)> 등을 강의하고 있습니다.

[Major Research Topics]

Smart Urban Design /  Public Health and Urban Planning / Green Infrastructure / Big-data Urban Integrated Model /  Transportation & Land Use / Pedestrian Environment  



Associate Professor, Department of Urban Design and Studies

Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea


Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Design and Studies

Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea


Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture

University of Ulsan, Ulsan, South Korea


Research Professor, Institute of Urban Sciences

University of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea


Research Assistant, METRANS Transportation Center

University of Southern California, Los Angeles


Researcher, Architecture and Urban Research Institute

Korean Research Institute for Human Settlements, South Korea


Assistant Manager, Urban Design Team

Haeahn Architecture INC., Seoul, South Korea



Urban Planning, University of Southern California, USA, 2013

Sol Price School of Public Policy

Dissertation: The Built Environment, Tour Complexity, and Active Travel

Committee: Genevieve Giuliano, Marlon Boarnet, Lisa Schweitzer, James Moore


Urban Design, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 2004


Architecture, Busan National University, Busan, South Korea, 2001

Professional Service And Organizations

Referee for SCI(SSCI) journals, including:

Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of planning Education and Research, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Urban Affairs, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Cities, Journal of Transport & Health, Land Use Policy, Sustainability, Land, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

Referee for KCI journals, including:

Journal of Korea Planning Association(대한국토도시계획학회지), Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea (도시설계학회지), The Korea Spatial Planning Review(국토연구), Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association(한국지역개발학회지), Architectural Institute of Korea(대한건축학회논문집), Journal of the Korea Landscape Council(한국경관학회지)

Member of organization, including:

Teaching Experience


Chung-Ang University, Department of Urban Design and Studies

Associate Professor

[Undergraduate Course Taught]

[Graduate Course Taught]


University of Ulsan, Department of Architecture

Assistant Professor

[Undergraduate Course Taught]

[Graduate Course Taught]


University of Seoul, Institute of Urban Sciences

Research Professor

[Graduate Course Taught]


University of Southern California, Sol Price School of Public Policy

Teaching Assistant

PPD 303: Statistics for Policy, Planning, and Development

PPD 501: Economics for Policy, Planning and Development

Research Experience


Principal Investigator (Associate Professor at Chung-Ang University)

“Development of evaluation model of green infrastructure : measuring public health effect using big-data simulators", National Research Foundation of Korea


Researcher (Associate Professor at Chung-Ang University)

“A study on the development of a healthy city model for the promotion of physical activity”, Korea Land & Housing Corporation


Researcher (Associate Professor at Chung-Ang University)

“A research on the development of strategies and implementation plans for elderly-friendly cities”, Korea Land & Housing Corporation


Researcher (Associate Professor at Chung-Ang University)

“A study on the development of a plan to build a new city centered on pedestrians”, Gyeonggi Housing & Urban Development Corporation


Co-Principal Investigator (Associate Professor at Chung-Ang University)

“A study on a standard model for GH livable cities”, Gyeonggi Housing & Urban Development Corporation


Principal Investigator (Associate Professor at Chung-Ang University)

Developing an integrated assessment tool to define pedestrian exposure to fine dust pollutants at micro-scale level : Analysis of the influence of pedestrianization on the environmental quality", National Research Foundation of Korea


Co-Principal Investigator (Associate Professor at Chung-Ang University)

“A study on transport planning standards for new towns in the era of new normal”, co-work with Korea Transport Institute



Principal Investigator (Assistant Professor at the University of Ulsan)

“Developing Design Guidelines and Indicators for Walkability and Safety around Elementary Schools, National Research Foundation of Korea


Researcher (Research Professor at the University of Seoul)

“Promoting Low-Carbon Urban Development Strategies,” National Research Foundation of Korea